Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring Weekend Fun

God gave us a tremendous gift this past Saturday.  A warm, not hot/not cold, spring day with pretty much no wind.  The fact that it was a Saturday and Aaron could enjoy it was BIG!  We ended up in Brick Town walking along the canal.  It is amazing how much more I enjoy life in Oklahoma when there is no wind.
Sunday we went to my grandparents' house.  Molly (and Aaron) met another of her great-great aunts (Aunt Peggy from California and her husband, Ron) as well as Lucy, my mom's cousin, and we had an Easter egg hunt for the little kiddos.  Oh my.  I had no idea how much fun it would be as Molly's mommy!  It brought back tons of memories of Easter egg hunts from when I was little.
(She wasn't in the mood to pose with Turner and Kline.  It didn't help that when I tried to put her in Turner's lap that the whole bench about collapsed backwards.  All three of them weren't sure what to think, then.)
 I love the background of this one with all the adults watching.

 Grandma and her sisters
  Molly with Grandma's dolls - I think at least two of them belonged to my great-grandma.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness look how big little miss Molly has gotten!
