Friday, January 1, 2010

Handmade Christmas Gifts

"When a gift is made by hand, all of that person's love is captured in it."
-Glenn Beck, The Christmas Sweater
I made...
9 Scrabble Initial rings
4 reusable vinyl mesh grocery bags
4 monogrammed pirate eye patches
4 embellished kitchen towels
1 little girl apron
1 scrapbook cookbook for Grandma

I also made myself a candy cane scarf.
*I'm working on finishing up some pillows that were started by my sweet Grandma Kusch.
*I need to place some finishing stitches on some stuffed Cabbage Patch Kids ornaments that were an unfinished project from my childhood.

(12 weeks to go if my due date is correct!)

1 comment:

  1. glad you made it to all your celebrations with the weather . . . it was crazy wasn't it?? love all the things you made . . . i'd love to see pics!!! Happy new Year . . . . 2010 will be an exciting year for you two!!!
